The Importance of Code

Ok, I’m making a request, just hear me out….hear me out (pleasantly pleading), even though you don’t know me yet (sarcastically)

I’m telling you, that if you decide to get good at coding

And, yes, I said coding, which may sound crazy, but I’m serious [jump cut]

You’ll create endless possibilities for yourself 

You know the Birdman hands right {show Birdman hand rub gif} You get good at coding, and that’ll be you!

What’s going on guys, I go by Avery, and we are going to talk CODE. 

Code aka programming, aka HTML, aka some other tech phrase you’ve probably heard before, we are going to get into all of it.

Now if you’d do me a favor, and raise your hand if you’ve heard of Facebook. 

If you’re actually raising your hand, you’ve made my day because this video isn’t live and I can’t actually see what you’re doing. So if your hand is raised, I appreciate the cooperation (laughing)

So we all know and use Facebook right?

I would say that Facebook is probably the most widely used social media platform in the world, outside of Instagram, which also happens to be owned by Facebook (‘now that I think of it’ facial expression). Which basically translates to dollars {WuTang reference}

At this point, can you even remember a time when we didn’t have Facebook. 

Now, why am I talking about Facebook so much?

Facebook represents the possibility of what coders can achieve. 

Mark Zuckerberg, the primary creator of Facebook, started off as coder and he was able to create something that changed the entire world.

That’s the power of coding

You can change how society interacts right from your computer.

You would be amazed at how many of our daily activities are made possible or assisted by a written piece of code

I would say that at this point, some code has been written for every digital product we use or interact with

When you decide to take a photo and post it on IG, some code was written that allows you to do that.  

When you make a post on TikTok, there’s code written for that too. 

When you’re in your car and you connect your Android phone to listen to music... or IPhone for you apple people (reluctantly) ...code is in everything digital that we do.

Side Note: You know, that reminds me of Jackie Chan when he’s trying to teach Jaden Smith how to fight in the movie Karate Kid. He’s like, having him take his jacket on & off and Jaden starts getting annoyed. Jackie’s like ‘Kung Fu’ is everything. Kung fu is in how we put on a jacket. 

...ummm, yeah. I just thought of that right there. :)

Having said that, Code is almost in everything. It’s in the Fitbit watch you may be wearing. It’s in the mobile game that you play. It’s in the computer that you use every day.

So if code is used to create some many cool things, it seems like it would be a great idea to learn how to do it.

Wouldn’t you think so? I mean, if I heard of a new exciting way to create cool things, and I was able to learn it, I’d give it a shot. 

That’s why you’re here!

We want to show you how to code, how to program, how to create elements on a web page. 

These fundamental skills are the building blocks for creating something amazing. 

We’re going to take you step by step, line by line. There’s no reason to be intimidated. Becoming a coder is actually a lot easier than people think. 

All it takes is discipline and a little bit of will power. 

I’m so excited that you’re jumping into this field because it will allow you the opportunity to do so many different things. 

You know, I’m really excited, so I can go on and on, but I’d imagine that you’d probably want to get down to business, so let’s work.

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